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AllAllergiesAnemiaAntibiotic SupportAnxietyAsthmaAutismBaby BrainBedwettingBrainBrain HealthBreastfeedingColdsColicConcussionConditionsCongestionConstipationConventional MedicationCoughCradle CapDehydrationDental HealthDepressionDetoxificationDetoxificationDiarrheaDietsDTaPEar InfectionsEczemaEye InfectionsEyes, Ears, Nose, & ThroatFailure to ThriveFeverFirst AidFluFood SensitivitiesFPIESFruitGERDGlutathione DepletionGluten IntoleranceGriefGroup B StrepGrowing PainsGrowth & DevelopmentGut IssuesHand-Foot-And-Mouth DiseaseHealthHeat-related IllnessesHemorrhoidsHepatitis AHepatitis BHerbs & SpicesHibHibHigh CholesterolHome TreatmentsHomeopathic RemediesHydrationHypertensionImmune SystemInfant RefluxInfectious DiseaseInflammationIodine DeficiencyKeratosis PilarisLifestyleLiver DamageLiver DetoxLow vitamin D levelsMastitisMeaslesMental HealthMMRMolluscum ContagiosumMotherhoodNutrient DeficienciesNutritionPainPain ReliefParasitesPink EyePneumococcalPneumococcal DiseasePolioPostpartum RecoveryPregnancyRecipesRespiratoryRotavirusRotavirusRSVSeasonal AllergiesSkinSleep DifficultiesSore ThroatStomach FluStomach ProblemsStressStuffy NoseSunburnSupplementsTick-Borne DiseasesTravelUpper Respiratory Tract InfectionsUrinaryUrinary Tract InfectionsUTIVaccine EducationVaccine Preventable DiseasesVaccine Safety & ScienceVaccine-Friendly DoctorsVaccinesVaricella VaccineVegetablesViral InfectionsVitamin A deficiencyVitamin A InsufficiencyVitamin B12 DeficiencyVitamin K DeficiencyVitamins & MineralsWoundsZinc Deficiency
An exhausted woman sits up in her bed.

Understanding Insomnia: Sleep Onset vs. Sleep Maintenance

Sleep is a fundamental component of overall health and well-being (1). Unfortunately, many of us…
July 12, 2024 Read More
A mother holds her newborn infant on her bare chest.

The Benefits of Newborn Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin contact, often referred to as "kangaroo care," is the practice of placing a newborn…
July 5, 2024 Read More
A doctor and patient look over paperwork.

The Adverse Health Effects Of Heavy Metals & How To Avoid Them

The health effects of heavy metals are on many people’s minds, but it is difficult…
June 25, 2024 Read More
A stressed mother tries to giver her baby a bottle.

Identifying and Managing Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a significant mental health concern that affects about 1 in 7…
June 14, 2024 Read More
A girl lays in bed while her mother takes her temperature.

What To Do If You’ve Been Exposed To Measles

Measles is a vaccine-preventable contagious viral infection that causes fever, cough, runny nose, and rash.…
June 5, 2024 Read More


AllAllergiesAnemiaAntibiotic SupportAnxietyAsthmaAutismBaby BrainBedwettingBrainBrain HealthBreastfeedingColdsColicConcussionConditionsCongestionConstipationConventional MedicationCoughCradle CapDehydrationDental HealthDepressionDetoxificationDetoxificationDiarrheaDietsDTaPEar InfectionsEczemaEye InfectionsEyes, Ears, Nose, & ThroatFailure to ThriveFeverFirst AidFluFood SensitivitiesFPIESFruitGERDGlutathione DepletionGluten IntoleranceGriefGroup B StrepGrowing PainsGrowth & DevelopmentGut IssuesHand-Foot-And-Mouth DiseaseHealthHeat-related IllnessesHemorrhoidsHepatitis AHepatitis BHerbs & SpicesHibHibHigh CholesterolHome TreatmentsHomeopathic RemediesHydrationHypertensionImmune SystemInfant RefluxInfectious DiseaseInflammationIodine DeficiencyKeratosis PilarisLifestyleLiver DamageLiver DetoxLow vitamin D levelsMastitisMeaslesMental HealthMMRMolluscum ContagiosumMotherhoodNutrient DeficienciesNutritionPainPain ReliefParasitesPink EyePneumococcalPneumococcal DiseasePolioPostpartum RecoveryPregnancyRecipesRespiratoryRotavirusRotavirusRSVSeasonal AllergiesSkinSleep DifficultiesSore ThroatStomach FluStomach ProblemsStressStuffy NoseSunburnSupplementsTick-Borne DiseasesTravelUpper Respiratory Tract InfectionsUrinaryUrinary Tract InfectionsUTIVaccine EducationVaccine Preventable DiseasesVaccine Safety & ScienceVaccine-Friendly DoctorsVaccinesVaricella VaccineVegetablesViral InfectionsVitamin A deficiencyVitamin A InsufficiencyVitamin B12 DeficiencyVitamin K DeficiencyVitamins & MineralsWoundsZinc Deficiency
An exhausted woman sits up in her bed.

Understanding Insomnia: Sleep Onset vs. Sleep Maintenance

Sleep is a fundamental component of overall health and well-being (1). Unfortunately, many of us…
A mother holds her newborn infant on her bare chest.

The Benefits of Newborn Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin contact, often referred to as "kangaroo care," is the practice of placing a newborn…
A doctor and patient look over paperwork.

The Adverse Health Effects Of Heavy Metals & How To Avoid Them

The health effects of heavy metals are on many people’s minds, but it is difficult…
A stressed mother tries to giver her baby a bottle.

Identifying and Managing Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a significant mental health concern that affects about 1 in 7…
A girl lays in bed while her mother takes her temperature.

What To Do If You’ve Been Exposed To Measles

Measles is a vaccine-preventable contagious viral infection that causes fever, cough, runny nose, and rash.…


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A girl in a hospital receives anesthesia.

Detoxing Kids From General Anesthesia: A Guide for Parents

General anesthesia is often necessary for various medical procedures, but as with all medications, the…
Children swimming in a pool.

How To Minimize Chlorine Exposure + A DIY Chlorine Neutralizing Skin Spray Recipe

Swimming is a favorite summer activity for many families, offering both fun and exercise. I…
A newborn covered in vernix.
All About Vernix: Should It Be Washed Off?
A pregnant woman in discomfort sits on a couch.
Pelvic Floor Health During Pregnancy & Beyond
A blender full of strawberries.
Does Blending Fruit Destroy Fiber? Plus Two Kid-Friendly Smoothie Recipes
A pregnant woman receives a shot by her doctor.
Growth & Development
Understanding the RhoGAM Shot: A Guide for Expectant Mothers


AllAllergiesAnemiaAntibiotic SupportAnxietyAsthmaAutismBaby BrainBedwettingBrainBrain HealthBreastfeedingColdsColicConcussionConditionsCongestionConstipationConventional MedicationCoughCradle CapDehydrationDental HealthDepressionDetoxificationDetoxificationDiarrheaDietsDTaPEar InfectionsEczemaEye InfectionsEyes, Ears, Nose, & ThroatFailure to ThriveFeverFirst AidFluFood SensitivitiesFPIESFruitGERDGlutathione DepletionGluten IntoleranceGriefGroup B StrepGrowing PainsGrowth & DevelopmentGut IssuesHand-Foot-And-Mouth DiseaseHealthHeat-related IllnessesHemorrhoidsHepatitis AHepatitis BHerbs & SpicesHibHibHigh CholesterolHome TreatmentsHomeopathic RemediesHydrationHypertensionImmune SystemInfant RefluxInfectious DiseaseInflammationIodine DeficiencyKeratosis PilarisLifestyleLiver DamageLiver DetoxLow vitamin D levelsMastitisMeaslesMental HealthMMRMolluscum ContagiosumMotherhoodNutrient DeficienciesNutritionPainPain ReliefParasitesPink EyePneumococcalPneumococcal DiseasePolioPostpartum RecoveryPregnancyRecipesRespiratoryRotavirusRotavirusRSVSeasonal AllergiesSkinSleep DifficultiesSore ThroatStomach FluStomach ProblemsStressStuffy NoseSunburnSupplementsTick-Borne DiseasesTravelUpper Respiratory Tract InfectionsUrinaryUrinary Tract InfectionsUTIVaccine EducationVaccine Preventable DiseasesVaccine Safety & ScienceVaccine-Friendly DoctorsVaccinesVaricella VaccineVegetablesViral InfectionsVitamin A deficiencyVitamin A InsufficiencyVitamin B12 DeficiencyVitamin K DeficiencyVitamins & MineralsWoundsZinc Deficiency
A girl in a hospital receives anesthesia.

Detoxing Kids From General Anesthesia: A Guide for Parents

General anesthesia is often necessary for various medical procedures, but as with all medications, the…
Children swimming in a pool.

How To Minimize Chlorine Exposure + A DIY Chlorine Neutralizing Skin Spray Recipe

Swimming is a favorite summer activity for many families, offering both fun and exercise. I…
A newborn covered in vernix.

All About Vernix: Should It Be Washed Off?

Vernix caseosa, often referred to as vernix, is the creamy waxy coating found on the…
A pregnant woman in discomfort sits on a couch.

Pelvic Floor Health During Pregnancy & Beyond

Pregnancy puts extra stress on the pelvic floor, potentially having negative long-term effects. The good…
A blender full of strawberries.

Does Blending Fruit Destroy Fiber? Plus Two Kid-Friendly Smoothie Recipes

There are a few myths about the effects of blending fruits and vegetables, particularly regarding…



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