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Ingredients, Excipients, Additives, Adjuvents:

CDC, FDA, and Resources:

A scientist examines a vaccine sample through a high-powered microscope.

How Vaccines Are Made

  1. a suspending fluid (sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein)
  2. preservatives and stabilizers (for example, albumin, phenols, and glycine)
  3. adjuvants or enhancers that help improve the vaccine’s effectiveness
  4. very small amounts of the culture material used to grow the virus or bacteria used in the vaccine, such as chicken egg protein. (1)
  • Here is information to understand the process of how vaccines are made.

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Vaccines That Contain Potential Allergens

Potential Allergens as Vaccine Ingredients:

  • Amphotericin B
  • Casein (Bovine)
  • Chlortetracyclin
  • Ovalbumin (Egg)
  • Gelatin (Bovine)
  • Gelatin (Porcine)
  • Gentamicin Sulfate
  • Latex
  • Neomycin
  • Ovalbumin
  • Polymyxin B
  • Serum Fetal Bovine
  • Sodium taurodeoxycholate
  • Streptomycin
  • Thimerosal
  • Yeast

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Ingredients in Each Vaccine

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Egg Protein

Found in influenza and yellow fever vaccines, which are prepared using chicken eggs. Ordinarily, persons who are able to eat eggs or egg products safely can receive these vaccines. (1)

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Human Cell Lines:

1.  HeLa Cells (polio vaccine)

“The HeLa cell line is an immortal cancer cell line. It is termed “immortal” because the cells can replicate indefinitely in culture. The original cells came from a visible malignant cervical tumor in the body of a 31-year-old African American woman named Henrietta Lacks. The cells were taken early in 1951 and given to Dr. George Gey, who produced the original cell line. Henrietta Lacks died the same year….”

2.  MRC-5 Cells  

“Diploid cells (WI-38, MRC-5) vaccines have their origin in induced abortions. Among these vaccines we fi nd the following: rubella, measles, mumps, rabies, polio, smallpox, hepatitis A, chickenpox, and herpes zoster. Nowadays, other abortion tainted vaccines cultivated on transformed cells (293, PER.C6) are in the pipeline: flu, Respiratory Syncytial and parainfluenza viruses, HIV, West Nile virus, Ebola, Marburg and Lassa, hepatitis B and C, foot and mouth disease, Japanese encephalitis, dengue, tuberculosis, anthrax, plague, tetanus and malaria.”

3.  PER.C6 (Crucell)

  • PER.C6 Technology
  • Created from retinal tissue of 18 week gestation aborted fetus

4.  WI-38 (adenovirus, MMR, MMRV, Varicella, Zoster Vaccines)

  • “The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted fetus of about 3 months gestational age. Cells released by trypsin digestion of the lung tissue were used for the primary culture. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46,XX; normal diploid female. A maximum lifespan of 50 population doublings for this culture was obtained at the Repository. A thymidine labelling index of 86% was obtained after recovery. G6PD is isoenzyme type B. This culture of WI-38 is an expansion from passage 9 frozen cells obtained from the submitter.”
  • [Vaccines, biotechnology and their connection with induced abortion] – May/Aug 2008

“Diploid cells (WI-38, MRC-5) vaccines have their origin in induced abortions. Among these vaccines we fi nd the following: rubella, measles, mumps, rabies, polio, smallpox, hepatitis A, chickenpox, and herpes zoster. Nowadays, other abortion tainted vaccines cultivated on transformed cells (293, PER.C6) are in the pipeline: flu, Respiratory Syncytial and parainfluenza viruses, HIV, West Nile virus, Ebola, Marburg and Lassa, hepatitis B and C, foot and mouth disease, Japanese encephalitis, dengue, tuberculosis, anthrax, plague, tetanus and malaria.”

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1.  Deoxycholate 

2.  Triton X-100 

Potential Acute Health Effects:

  • Hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant).

Potential Chronic Health Effects:

  • MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells.
  • TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.
  • DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female [POSSIBLE].

3.  Taurodeoxycholic acid sodium salt (1180-95-6) 

  • Taurodeoxycholic acid, sodium salt is manufactured from the steroid, deoxycholic acid. It is a nature equivalent compound, chemically identical to the natural steroid produced in the liver of many animal species.
  • Taurodeoxycholic acid from deoxycholic acid extracted from cattle bile (also known as “bovine bile” or “ox bile”), a by-product of the meat processing industry.
  • Use of the Chemical:
  1. Taurodeoxycholic acid is a powerful biological detergent.
  2. It can also accelerate lipase activity.
  3. It has potential in the manufacture of vaccines and as a vehicle to assist with drug and vaccine delivery.
  • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – For Ingestion and Inhalation – “The toxicological properties of this substance have not been fully investigated.”

4.  Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) 

“The authors conclude that, according to their hypothesis, it cannot be excluded that other H1N1 vaccines with similar viral antigens (i.e. similar production method of viral antigen) could trigger narcolepsy especially in children primed earlier with Pandemrix vaccination. The hypotheses seem to rely on two key assumptions, namely that the presence of polysorbate 80 in the Pandemrix antigen suspension could be the only ‘immunological’ difference between Arepanrix and that Arepanrix is not associated with a risk of narcolepsy.”

“Quadrivalent HPV vaccine contains polysorbate 80 as a stabilizer.33 Polysorbates are commonly used as solubilizers, stabilizers and emulsifiers in cosmetics and medical prepara- tions. Polysorbate 80 could be a potential trigger of nonaller- gic (“anaphylactoid”) anaphylaxis. There have been a number of reports of anaphylaxis or generalized hypersensitivity reac- tions occurring following the receipt of drugs that have impli- cated polysorbate 80 as the cause.”

“The anticancer drug docetaxel (Taxotere) is formulated in the nonionic surfactant polysorbate 80 (Tween 80). Early in the clinical development of docetaxel, it became clear that docetaxel administration is associated with the occurrence of unpredictable (acute) hypersensitivity reactions and cumulative fluid retention. These side-effects have been attributed, in part, to the presence of polysorbate 80 and have consequently initiated research focused on the development of a less-toxic, better-tolerated polysorbate 80-free formulation of docetaxel.”

“Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.”

“Being bound to nanoparticles that were overcoated by T-80 later, was necessary for the loading to be delivered to brain.Partial coverage was enough for T-80 coating to play a specific role in brain targeting. It seemed that brain targeting of nanoparticles was related to the interaction between the T-80 coating and BMECs. The specific role of T-80 coating on nanoparticles in brain targeting was thus confirmed.” – meaning polysorbate 80 is a tool used for delivering drugs to the brain. 

“Neonatal rats were injected with Tween 80 in 1, 5, or 10% aqueous solution on days 4-7 after birth. Treatment with Tween 80 accelerated maturatio, prolonged the oestrus (menstrual cycle), and induced persistent vaginal oestrus.  The relative weight of the uterus and ovaries decreased relative to the untreated controls. Ovaries were without corpora lute, and had degenerative follicles.”

“Because a mixture of polysorbate 80 and polysorbate 20 is used as a carrier in E-Ferol, these components were also tested and were found to be responsible for the suppression, especially the polysorbate 80. Concurrent with this suppression of PHA-induced mitogenesis was a decrease in the percentage of T11 lymphocytes.”

5.  Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) 

  • Non-ionic nondenaturing detergent used in buffers to solubilize membrane proteins.
  • Polysorbate 20 Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – Signs and Symptoms of Exposure –  “To the best of our knowledge, the toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.”
  • Polysorbate 20 – 1989

“On repeated intravenous administration, effects on the liver, spleen and kidneys were seen in premature babies exposed to polysorbate 80: polysorbate 20 mixture and some fatalities occurred.”

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  • Used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production. Most formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before it is packaged. (1)

Note:  The information above in italics is straight from the CDC and states that formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before packaging, yet it is noted just underneath this statement: “For children with a prior history of allergic reactions to any of these substances in vaccines, parents should consult their child’s healthcare provider before vaccination.” ~CDC   (My question: Why would this be a problem if the formaldehyde is truly removed 100% before packaging?)

“Potential Chronic Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer). CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified A2 (Suspected for human.) by ACGIH, 2A (Probable for human.) by IARC [Formaldehyde]. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Formaldehyde]. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. [Formaldehyde]. Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Methylalcohol]. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. [Methyl alcohol]. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified POSSIBLE for human [Methyl alcohol]. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, skin, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure to a highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in one or many human organs.”

“Positive reactions noted in more than 10% of the children were to nickel sulfate (29.7%), p-tert-butylphenol formaldehyde resin (16.8%)”

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  • Gelatin is a translucent, colorless, brittle (when dry), flavorless solid substance, derived from the collagen inside animals’ skin and bones.  It is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceuticals, photography, and cosmetic manufacturing.  Gelatin is a stabilizer in many vaccines, including Varivax (chickenpox), Zostrix (shingles), and MMR vaccines.  Animal-derived products used in vaccine manufacture can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
  • Gelatin Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • Vaccine hypersensitivity – update and overview  – 2010

“Gelatine is an animal protein derived from the connective tissue of swine and cattle. It is used as a stabilizer in attenuated viral containing vaccines.  Gelatine may be added to many vaccines such as MMR (single or combined), Japanese encepha- litis virus (JEV), DTaP and varicella. The amount of gelatine varies from vaccine to vaccine from <30 μg to >15 500 μg per dose [51].”

“These results showed that there was a strong causal relationship between gelatin-containing DTaP vaccination, anti-gelatin IgE production and risk of anaphylaxis from immunization with live viral vaccines, which contain a larger amount of gelatin. The mechanism of the reaction remains unknown.”

“Some individuals have gelatin sensitivity, which may cause anaphylaxis.”

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Glutaraldehyde (DTaP, Tdap)

  • Glutaraldehyde is a colorless, oily, liquid-chemical with a pungent odor. It is used for a number of applications such as the following:
  1. A cold sterilant in the health care industry
  2. A cross-linking and tanning agent
  3. A biocide in metalworking fluids and in oil and gas pipelines
  4. An antimicrobial in water-treatment systems
  5. A slimicide in paper manufacturing
  6. A preservative in cosmetics
  7. A disinfectant in animal housing
  8. A tissue fixative in histology and pathology labs
  9. A hardening agent in the development of X-rays
  10. In embalming solutions
  11. In the preparation of grafts and bioprostheses
  12. In various clinical applications

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Rubella (Meruvax II)
YES – Vial
YES – Vial
YES – Syringe NO – Vial
Pneumovax 23
YES – Vial
Polio (IPOL)
YES – Syringe NO – Vial
Imovax Rabies
YES – Applicator NO– Vial & Transfer Adapter
NO – Vial NO – Syringe
YES – Vial YES – Syringe
YES – Syringe NO – Vial
YES – Vial
YES – Syringe NO – Vial
Typhim Vi
Vivotif Berna
Varicella (Varivax)
Vaccinia (Smallpox)
Yellow Fever (YF-Vax)
YES – Vial
Zoster (Shingles) (Zostavax)

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Mercury- Thimerosal

  • A mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria. (1)
  • Thimerosal Material Safety Data Sheet – “CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, spleen, bone marrow, central nervous system (CNS). “
  • If you are interested in knowing which vaccines contain thimerosal and the amount of thimerosal in each trademarked vaccine: Thimerosal Table (updated 12/11/13)
  • Purification of HBV antigens for use in vaccines – Pharmaceutical Patent- hep b (Jan 2014)

(Asignee: GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, S.A. Rixensart,BE) “Many vaccines which are currently available require a preservative to prevent deterioration.  A frequently used preservative is thiomersal which is a mercury-containing compound. Some concerns have been raised about the use of mercury in vaccines, although commentators have stressed that the potential hazards of thiomersal-containing vaccines should not be overstated (Offit; P. A. JAMA Vol. 283; No:16). Nevertheless it would be advantageous to find new and potentially safer methods of preparation of vaccines to replace the use of thiomersal in the manufacturing process. There is thus a need to develop vaccines which are thiomersal-free, in particular hepatitis B vaccines.

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  • Gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine. (1)
  • Aluminum hydroxide Material Data Safety Sheet –

“Potential Chronic Health Effects: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available.”


A chart that tracks the quantities of aluminum in vaccines.

A chart that tracks the quantities of aluminum in things other than vaccines.

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants – 2014

“In regard to the risk of adjuvant toxicity in children, the following should be noted: (i) children should not be viewed as “small adults” as their unique physiology makes them more vulnerable to toxic insults; (ii) in adult humans Al adjuvants can cause a variety of serious autoimmune and inflammatory conditions including those affecting the brain, yet children are routinely exposed to much higher amounts of Al from vaccines than adults; (iii) compelling evidence has underscored the tight connection between the development of the immune system and that of the brain. Thus, it appears plausible that disruptions of critical events in immune development may also play a role in the establishment of neurobehavioral disorders; (iv) the same immune system components that play key roles in brain development appear to be targeted for impairment by Al adjuvants. In summary, research data suggests that vaccines containing Al may be a contributing etiological factor in the increasing incidence of autism.”

“These current data implicate Al (aluminum) injected in early postnatal life in some CNS alterations that may be relevant for a better understanding of the aetiology of ASD.”

“Recent evidence suggests an important role for inflammation in the immune response to aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines.”

“Recently, a new syndrome was introduced, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), that includes postvaccination phenomena, macrophagic myofasciitis, Gulf War syndrome and siliconosis. This syndrome is characterized by nonspecific and specific manifestations of autoimmune disease. The main substances associated with ASIA are squalene (Gulf War syndrome), aluminum hydroxide (postvaccination phenomena, macrophagic myofasciitis) and silicone with siliconosis.”

“The literature demonstrates clearly negative impacts of aluminum on the nervous system across the age span. In adults, aluminum exposure can lead to apparently age-related neurological deficits resembling Alzheimer’s and has been linked to this disease and to the Guamanian variant, ALS–PDC.”

“This Al-evoked phenomenon is coupled to diminished mitochondrial activity, anerobiosis, and the channeling of α-ketoacids towards anti-oxidant defense. The resulting metabolic reconfiguration leads to fat accumulation and a reduction in ATP synthesis, characteristics that are common to numerous medical disorders. Hence, the ability of Al toxicity to create an oxidative environment promotes dysfunctional metabolic processes in astrocytes and hepatocytes. These molecular events triggered by Al-induced ROS production are the potential mediators of brain and liver disorders.”

“It has recently been proposed that aluminum, commonly used in vaccines as an adjuvant, may be the most significant factor in adverse reactions, and, furthermore, that the nervous system is especially vulnerable to aluminum toxicity.”

           “Conclusion: Intensely itching subcutaneous nodules (vaccination granulomas) and contact allergy to aluminium may occur after primary vaccination with the two most commonly used DTP vaccines in Europe. The condition is probably underreported. Symptoms may last for at least 4–5 years but eventually seem to subside.”

“During the past year a new syndrome was introduced and termed ASIA, ‘Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndrome induced by Adjuvants’.1 This syndrome assembles a spectrum of immune-mediated diseases triggered by an adjuvant stimulus.2  4 The use of medical adjuvants has become common practice and substances such as aluminum adjuvant are added to most human and animal vaccines, while the adjuvant silicone is extensively used for breast implants and cosmetic procedures. Furthermore, ‘hidden adjuvants’ such as infectious material or house molds have also been associated with different immune mediated conditions.”

“In summary, research evidence shows that increasing concerns about current vaccination practices may indeed be warranted. Because children may be most at risk of vaccine-induced complications, a rigorous evaluation of the vaccine-related adverse health impacts in the pediatric population is urgently needed.”

“Further studies of aluminum in children are warranted and should be considered as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Biomonitoring Project.”

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Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) 

(Found in the Influenza, MMRV, Chickenpox, and Shingles Vaccines)

“Comment: The combination of MSG and fever or MSG and exercise has a synergistic neurotoxic effect that lowers seizure threshold.”

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  • Used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity. In vaccines, used as an alternative to Thimerosal. (1)
  • 2-Phenoxyethanol Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) –

“Potential Acute Health Effects: Extremely hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant). Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally, blistering. Potential Chronic Health Effects: Extremely hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant). Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance is toxic to kidneys, the nervous system, liver. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated or prolonged inhalation of vapors may lead to chronic respiratory irritation.”

Conclusions: “None of the compounds commonly used as preservatives in US licensed vaccine/biological preparations can be considered an ideal preservative, and their ability to fully comply with the requirements of the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for preservatives is in doubt. Future formulations of US licensed vaccines/biologics should be produced in aseptic manufacturing plants as single dose preparations, eliminating the need for preservatives and an unnecessary risk to patients.”

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(Neomycin, Gentamycin, Polymyxin B, Kanamycin, Streptomycin, Chlortetracycline, Amphotericin B) Note:  All of the antibiotics listed above can cause allergic reactions See: Vaccine Allergens per 0.5mL

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From the Environmental Protection Agency:

“Hazard Summary-Created in April 1992; Revised in January 2000

  • “beta-Propiolactone is used for vaccines, tissue grafts, surgical instruments, and enzymes, as a sterilant of blood plasma, water, milk, and nutrient broth, and as a vapor-phase disinfectant in enclosed spaces.  Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to beta-propiolactone causes severe irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract in humans.  Acute dermal exposure may cause irritation of the skin, blistering, or burns in humans.  Contact with the eyes may cause permanent corneal opacification.  Burns of the mouth and stomach may occur in humans following acute exposure via ingestion.  No information is available on the chronic (long-term), reproductive, developmental, or carcinogenic effects of beta-propiolactone in humans.  Squamous cell carcinomas of the forestomach have been reported in orally exposed rats.  In dermally exposed rodents, skin tumors have been observed.  The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified beta-propiolactone as a Group 2B, possible human carcinogen.”

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ASo2, ASo3, AS04

  • An adjuvent used to stimulate the immune system.
  • AS02- comprised of QS-21 and monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL)
  • ASo3- one dose contains 10.69 mg squalene, 11.86 mg DL-α-tocopherol, 4.86 mg polysorbate 80
  • AS04- comprised of  aluminum phosphate and monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL)
  • MPL and AS02/AS04 adjuvant patents

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CpG (Synthetic DNA)

“We conclude that beside the reduced production of IFN-γ production by CD4+ T cells and the impaired synthesis of IL-12p70 by myeloid DCs, deficient responses of pDCs also contribute to the immaturity of cell-mediated immunity in human newborns. These findings might be relevant to the increased susceptibility to infections as well as to the use of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides as vaccine adjuvants in the neonatal period.”

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Monophosphoryl Lipid A (MPL)

“The major obstacle which has limited the clinical application of endotoxin for its beneficial effects has been its toxic side effects. Chemical modification of the endotoxin molecule has resulted in a nontoxic, MPL which, because of its greatly reduced capacity to cause endotoxicity, holds great potential for clinical utilization.”

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Squalene – MF59

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The Vaccine Components Table below will give you the ingredients list for each trademarked vaccine.

click on the vaccine type below to link to the table of vaccine-specific components

Vaccine Type Brand Name
DTaP Daptacel, Infanrix, Kinrix
DTaP and Hib TriHIBit
DTaP, Hepatitis B and IPV Pediarix
DTaP, IPV, Hib Pentacel
Hepatitis A Havrix, Vaqta
Hepatitis B Engerix-B, Recombivax HB
Hepatitis A and B Twinrix
Hib Hiberix, HibTITER, PedvaxHIB, ActHIB, OmniHIB
Hib and Hepatitis B Comvax
HPV Cervarix, Gardasil
Influenza: Afluria, Agriflu, Fluarix, Fluarix Quad, Flublok
Flucelvax, FluLaval, FluLaval Quad, FluMist Quad, Fluvirin
Fluzone, Fluzone High, Fluzone Intradermal, Fluzone Quad
Japanese Encephalitis Ixiaro, JE-VAX
Meningococcal Menactra, Menomune, Menveo
MMRV ProQuad
Pneumococcal Pneumovax 23, Prevnar, Prevnar 13
Polio IPOL
Rabies Imovax Rabies, RabAvert
Rotavirus Rotarix, RotaTeq
Smallpox Dryvax
Td Tenivac, Td
Typhoid Typhim Vi, Vivotif
Tdap Adacel, Boostrix
Varicella (Chickenpox) Varivax

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(from Institute of Vaccine Safety- John’s Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)

  • Click on a “Vaccine” and you can read the package insert, click on an “Antigen(s)” and you can read about the disease and vaccine, click on a “Manufacturer” and you will be taken to their website for further information.
Vaccine Antigen(s) Manufacturer Latest Version
Daptacel Diphtheria, Tetanus, (acellular) Pertussis Aventis Pasteur Jul 2012
Typhim Vi Typhoid Aventis Pasteur Dec 2005
YF-VAX Yellow Fever Aventis Pasteur Jan 2010
BayHep B  Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (human) Bayer Mar 2004
BayRab Rabies Immune Globulin Bayer Apr 1999
BayTet Tetanus Immune Globulin (human) Bayer Mar 2004
Vivotif Berna Typhoid Berna Aug 2006
RabAvert Rabies (PCEC) Chiron Mar 2012
Afluria Influenza (2013-14 Formula) CLS Limited Apr 2013
BioThrax Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed Emergent BioSolutions May 2013
Boostrix Tetanus toxoid, reduced Diphtheria Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed GlaxoSmithKline Feb 2013
Cervarix Human Papillomavirus (Types 16 and 18) GlaxoSmithKline Aug 2012
Engerix-B Hepatitis B GlaxoSmithKline July 2012
Fluarix Influenza (2013-14 Formula) GlaxoSmithKline May 2013
Fluarix Quadrivalent Influenza (2013-14 Formula) GlaxoSmithKline May 2013
FluLaval Influenza (2013-14 Formula) GlaxoSmithKline Aug 2013
FluLaval Quadrivalent Influenza (2013-14 Formula) GlaxoSmithKline Aug 2013
Havrix Hepatitis A GlaxoSmithKline Jun 2013
Hiberix Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate) booster dose GlaxoSmithKline Mar 2012
Infanrix Diphtheria, Tetanus, (acellular) Pertussis GlaxoSmithKline Jul 2012
KINRIX Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed and Inactivated Poliovirus GlaxoSmithKline Jul 2012
Menhibrix Meningococcal (Groups C and Y) and Haemophilus b Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate GlaxoSmithKline Sep 2012
Pediarix Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B and Poliovirus GlaxoSmithKline Aug 2012
Rotarix Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, GlaxoSmithKline Sep 2012
Twinrix Hepatitis A and B GlaxoSmithKline   Aug 2012
Ixiaro Japanese Encephalitis Intercell Biomedical May 2013
Td (generic) Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed Mass Biol Labs Apr 2009
FluMist Quadrivalent Influenza (2013-14 Formula) MedImmune Jul 2013
Comvax Hepatitis B,Haemophilus influenza type b Merck Dec 2010
Gardasil Human Papillomavirus (Types 6, 11, 16, and 18) Merck Mar 2013
M-M-R II Measles, Mumps, Rubella (live) Merck Dec 2010
PedvaxHIB Haemophilus influenzae type b (PRP-OMP) Merck Dec 2010
Pneumovax 23 Pneumococcal (polysaccharide) Merck Mar 2013
ProQuad Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella Merck Aug 2011
Recombivax HB Hepatitis B (recombinant) Merck Jul 2011
RotaTeq Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, Pentavalent Merck Dec2012
Vaqta Hepatitis A (inactivated) Merck Nov 2012
Varivax Varicella (live) Merck Dec 2012
Zostavax Varicella Zoster Merck Apr 2013
Nabi-HB Hepatitis B Immune Globulin NABI Apr 2008
Agriflu Influenza (2012-13 Formula) Novartis Feb 2013
Flucelvax Influenza (2013-14 Formula) Novartis Jul 2013
Fluvirin Influenza (2013-14 Formula) Novartis Feb 2013
Menveo Meningococcal (Groups A, C, Y and W-135) Novartis Mar 2011
Flublok Influenza (2012-13 Formula) Protein Sciences Dec 2012
ActHIB Haemophilus influenzae type b (PRP-T) sanofi pasteur Nov 2009
Adacel Tetanus toxoid, reduced Diphtheria Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed sanofi pasteur Feb 2012
DT Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed sanofi pasteur Dec 2005
Fluzone Influenza (2013-14 Formula) sanofi pasteur Apr 2013
Fluzone High-Dose Influenza (2013-14 Formula) sanofi pasteur Apr 2013
Fluzone Intradermal Influenza (2013-14 Formula) sanofi pasteur Apr 2013
Fluzone Quadrivalent Influenza (2013-14 Formula) sanofi pasteur Jun 2013
Imogam Rabies Rabies Immune Globulin sanofi pasteur Dec 2005
Imovax Rabies Rabies Vaccine (HDCV) sanofi pasteur Sep 2012
IPOL Polio (inactivated) sanofi pasteur Oct 2012
JE-VAX Japanese Encephalitis sanofi pasteur Dec 2005
Menactra Meningococcal(Groups A,C, Y, W-135) Polysaccharide Diphtheria Toxoid Conjugate sanofi pasteur Nov 2011
Menomune-A/C/Y/W-135 Meningococcal (polysaccharide) (Groups A,C, Y, W-135) sanofi pasteur Oct 2012
Pentacel Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis, and Haemophilus influenzae type b sanofi pasteur Jul 2012
Tenivac Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed sanofi pasteur Dec 2010
TriHIBit Diphtheria, Tetanus, (acellular) Pertussis, Hib sanofi pasteur Nov 2009
Prevnar Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjugate Vaccine Wyeth/Pfizer Jul 2009
Prevnar-13 Pneumococcal 13-valent Conjugate Vaccine Wyeth/Pfizer Jan 2013

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from Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary (CDC) (updated October 2018)

  1. Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Statement on thimerosal. CanComm Dis Rep. 2003 ;29(ACS-l): 1-10.
  2. CDC. Thimerosal in vaccines: ajoint statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Public Health Service. MMWR. 1999;48:563-565.
  3. Fletcher MA. Hessel L. Plotkin SA. Human diploid cell strains (HDCS) viral vaccines. Dev Biol Stand1998;93:97-107.
  4. Grabenstein JD. Immunologic necessities: Diluents. adjuvant.s, and excipients. Hosp Pharm,. 1996;31: 1387-92, 1397-140 l.
  5. Grabenstein JD. Clinical management of hypersensitivities to vaccine components. Hosp Pharm. 1997;32:77-84.87.
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  1. CDC Vaccine Ingredient Fact Sheet
  2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  3. Institute of Vaccine Safety- John’s Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  4. Vaccine Research Library
  5. Addressing Parents’ Concerns- Do Vaccines Contain Harmful Preservatives, Adjuvants, Additives, or Residuals? (Offit, Paul. Pediatrics Vol. 112 No. 6 December 2003, pp. 1394-1397)

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Vaccine Strategy Guide - Dr. Green Mom
Dr. Green Mom

Dr. Mayer is a naturopathic medical doctor and an expert in nutrition and wellness as it relates to pediatrics and families. Her passion for prevention of disease as cure fueled her desire to immerse herself into specializing in adult onset chronic conditions, as well as childhood chronic illness.

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